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Inveready and the CDTI through the INNVIERTE program will invest €2.3 million of capital. This amount will be complemented by €2.7 million through other instruments and public funds that have already been obtained. With these funds, aptaTargets plans to advance up to a clinical proof of concept in acute ischemic stroke patients.

Consortium formed by aptaTargets and the Vall d’Hebron Hospital (VHIR) have been awarded by the Retos-Colaboracion program. The project and the €1,4 million will be focused on the clinical development of ApTOLL. The Retos-Colaboracion is a collaborative program of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, within the objective of promoting the technological development, innovation, and research.

A Consortium led by aptaTargets has been awarded with public funding from the RETOS program for exploring new indications for ApTOLL, a DNA aptamer targeting TLR4 with an anti-inflammatory effect. The Consortium RETOS-SafeTOLL (RTC-2017-6283-1) is also composed by the Neurovascular Research Unit (Complutense University, Madrid) and the Institute of Biomedical Research (UAM-CSIC, Madrid) and has a total budget of 503,800 EU.
(FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ _RTC-2017-6283-1)

aptaTargets is the leader of the NeuroToll project, aiming to the clinical development of ApTOLL, an innovative neuroprotective drug for the acute treatment of stroke. The project focuses in stroke program, advancing from late preclinical phase and up to clinical trials Phase II in stroke patients. The consortium is formed by aptaTargets along with several hospitals of reference in the stroke field, such as Germans Trias i Pujol (HGTiP, Barcelona), La Princesa (HULP, Madrid), Virgen del Rocio and Macarena (FISEVI, Sevilla). The project has an aggregated budget of around 3.1 M EU.
(FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades – Agencia Estatal de Investigación/ _RTC-2017-6651-1)

The Spanish Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI) has granted aptaTargets with funds from the Neotec Program. aptaTargets aims to advance in the pre-clinical and clinical development of ApToll (a molecule based on aptamer technology and targeting inflammation) in acute ischemic stroke and other indications (myocardial infarction and Multiple Sclerosis).

The ApTOLL project aims to advance in the preclinical development of a molecule based on aptamer technology for acute stroke and myocardial infarction. The consortium is led by the company aptaTargets and are also participating Aptus Biotech, the Neurovascular Research Unit (Complutense University) and the Institute of Biomedical Research (UAM-CSIC). The project is funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and funds from the European Union, within the objective of promoting the technological development, innovation and research.